RAIN Infrastructure Token

The function and availability of the RAIN token

Precipitate AI

Last Update 1 ปีที่แล้ว

What is the RAIN Token?

At Precipitate AI, we firmly hold to the principle of decentralization.

And we see decentralization as resting on 3 key pillars.

These 3 pillars loom like a raincloud over our direction and decisions:

Decentralization of technology,
Decentralization of ownership,
Decentralization of governance.

The RAIN Infrastructure Token is the key to all of this! Let’s drop some light on the subject…

Technologically, RAIN was publicly distributed in the Rainstorm Liquidity Event.
Going forward, it remains a public Infrastructure Token to be utilized and traded on DEXs and also CEXs.

Ownership-wise, to hold RAIN is to hold ownership of Precipitate Protocol. Accordingly, 100 % of RAIN profits will be distributed to RAIN Stakers in the form of Ether (wETH). 

Stake RAIN, precipitate ETH. More details will be shared with the Staking Dapp.

Governance too, is to be driven by the RAIN Infrastructure Token. It only makes sense that those with “skin-in-the-game”, participate in key decisions regarding the direction of the Protocol. Hence, RAIN will evolve to function as the governance token.

Precipitate has a vision, and we’re now in the stage of execution.

“The Rain begins with a single drop”

— Manal al-Sharif

Where to access the RAIN Token?

The RAIN token is publicly distributed.

It is available on the Uniswap DEX here.

It is also traded on some CEXs, which can be seen on CoinMarketCap, or CoinGecko.

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